Eddie Howe: Newcastle will protect Tonali

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Newcastle United boss Eddie Howe speaking today on Sandro Tonali:

"He is very much with us. He trained twice this week; he is available for selection. Like I do with all the players, I will analyse their training performances, how they look and feel. Sandro has trained well with us.

He's had a very difficult couple of weeks; he's been dealing with a lot and from what I can see he's handling himself and his emotions strongly.

The most important part of the whole incident is Sandro and his welfare. It’s very easy to forget how young he is. He's had changes in his life - coming from Italy to England. That is hard enough to deal with and now he has this situation.

As a football club, straight away we will throw our arms around him, protect him, try to give him the love and support he needs to find solutions to problems he’s had.

Footballers are human beings. To look at them any other way is wrong. They have, as we all have, weaknesses, vulnerabilities. Things that happen can be difficult. The main thing is to try and identify it as we always do and try to help them get to the best level on football pitch."

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