Darijo Srna: Shakhtar is back to where we should be

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Shakhtar's acting head coach Darijo Srna commented on his team's big victory over LNZ (3:0) in the 11th round of the UPL.

- As always, after an international break we have a tough game. I can’t say that this is Shakhtar’s best game, but I see, I feel that it’s already different. All the moments that were created, there were many of them that were “miner’s football”. This victory is very important for the players, for their confidence, because we are back to where we should be. Scored a lot of goals, created a lot of chances. But on the other hand, there is still something to work on, because LNZ could have scored two goals.

We will analyze it, but I want to congratulate the guys, I have already congratulated them, and say that for me these days were emotional, sincere and I said a huge thank you to them. Today they showed in many moments that they know how to play Shakhtar style football. And what makes us happy is that we are returning to this football. I would like to thank the president of the club, the CEO, and all the fans who support me for their trust. This is just my beginning as a coach, but I want to say one thing - I’m proud that I can be a coach of a team like ours.

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