Artem Fedetsky encourages Ukraine to win its Nations League group

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Former defender of the Ukrainian national team Artem Fedetsky shared his opinion about yellow-blue's performance in the Nations League.

"Against the Irish Petrakov completely changed the squad and it was the right decision. He gave the opportunity to debut and play to the players who did not have many matches at this level. And the guys justified the trust of the coach, showing really good perfomance. And most importantly, we won.

Squad rotation? We have a national team - 23-25 ​​players. Everyone should be ready to go on the pitch and show themselves.

Our goal in the League of Nations group is to get the most out of it. First, we need to win the group, and then to show our very best perfomance. Our guys have already taught the fans that they play great football. I would like to say the same about our coach - Petrakov is the person, who deserves to be in charge of the national team," said Fedetsky speaking to Football NEWS.

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